EU Investment Law at theUniversity of Teramo

In line with the "EU 2020 Strategy", University of Teramo has been promoting education as a key feature of the development of the society. As the European Union has become more and more important, the need to understand where the Faculties of University of Teramo stand not only from a scientific, technological, economic, political and social perspective, but also from the international and EU law perspective has become crucial.

The need of this field of study and research, at the local, regional, national and international levels, has become evident, because the European Union has been a significant player of the international investment arena, since the 2008 outbreak of the world-wide economic crises. 

The aim of the Jean Monnet Module on "EU Investment Law" is to fill a gap in the teaching and research activities carried out at the University of Teramo for the benefit of any student, as well as of academics, organized civil society, professionals, particularly in enterprises, policy-makers - especially local and regional ones - and all those interested in current trends and developments of the EU law and policy framework on investment within and outside the EU internal market. 

The project on ‘EU Investment Law’ will consist of : the teaching programme, three events and research activities. The teaching programme will be offered every year throughout the lifetime of the project and will be composed of eighteen lectures (two-hours long) and three seminars (two-hours long). One event will be organized every year throughout the lifetime of the project. 

The active learning method will be used to allow students and whoever may be interested in the teaching programme and in the events to become aware of the speciality of the EU investment law. 


Project introduction video

An overview of the chief implementing activities of the Jean Monnet Module on EU Investment Law (EUIL) during the period October 2018 - September 2020 

4 aprile 2019

Partecipazione al Convegno internazionale “Stato e impresa nel diritto delle relazioni economiche transnazionali” con una relazione su “Multinazionali e Stati ospiti nel diritto internazionale e UE in materia di investimenti” tenutosi a Campobasso presso il Dipartimento Giuridico dell’Università degli studi di Campobasso. 

22 novembre 2019

Partecipazione alla Conferenza internazionale UNESCO su “I doveri nell’era dei diritti tra etica e mercato” con una relazione su “La logica diritti/obblighi nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione Europea in materia di investimenti” tenutasi a Camerino nella Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli studi di Camerino.

Why international investment matters?  The official approach of the EU.

As to the official approach of the European Union to international investment law, the reasons why international investment matters, the objectives and actions of the EU investment policy, see:

University of Teramo

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